video production services

It’s one of the most talked about and fashionable events of the year. The whole of Victoria take a day out the office, put their best frocks on and head to the races! Yes, it’s Melbourne Cup Carnival time Melbourne!

Fascinators perched glamorously, stiletto heels sinking into the mud and some good old fashion punting brings everyone together for this remarkable event. If only the Melbourne climate was a little more predictable! I’ll be there, very unfashionably with my poncho tucked in my clutch bag, getting lost in the hubbub of a world I only now dare to explore….

Jockeys have been galloping their way round the Melbourne Cup course since 1861 and the event has transformed into one of the most talked about events in Australia. I can’t wait to explore this Melbourne tradition for the first time. Horses blood lines and fashion trends develop at a fast rate each year presenting more fabulous results than the last…

Melbourne Cup 1986

Melbourne Cup 2016


What makes Melbourne Cup Carnival so exciting is the hype, the chatter, the excitement during the build up to the event…just like a horse race itself. Social media snaps, magazine articles, YouTube clips, and very likely live footage on the day keeps this event in the forefront of peoples minds throughout the year.

If you hoping to create some hype around your event, whether its sport, fashion, awards, music, film or a new product your business is launching, get our crew down to make sure that it’s an event to remember. Planning a live event will keep you crazy busy buzzing all over the place but getting our team in will add no hassle to your already packed to do list but you can be safe assured that all the best bits will be captured on camera, making it an event to remember.

Click here to check out our events coverage page on the website….Because we all live in a Visual Culture
