Corporate Videos

"In terms of initial approaches, and then through the process, very open, clear communication, proactively checking in, making sure we were comfortable where the process was at. That was really reassuring and helped those big stakeholder expectations".

Clayton Ford, Corporate Affairs Leader

Tailored production for communications experts

We understand the demanding nature of your role in Internal Comms, which often involves managing requests from various departments and team members across the organisation. From disseminating updates to fostering unity among diverse teams, your responsibilities span across multiple areas of the business including marketing, HR, sales, and more, all while trying to keep everyone engaged and connected.

However, with the power of video, we can help simplify this process. By leveraging engaging and impactful video content, we can effectively convey messages to audiences from all corners of the organisation, ensuring clarity and alignment across departments. 

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how we help

The benefits of video for internal communications

Employee Engagement and Attention

Engaging and visually appealing videos can help internal communicators deliver key messages in a compelling and memorable way, increasing employee engagement and retention of information.

Consistency and Clarity

Video content can be standardised and distributed across various communication channels to ensure consistent communication of important updates and aligned with organisational objectives.

Reach and Accessibility

Video content can be easily accessed and viewed by employees anytime, anywhere, on various devices. This flexibility allows internal communicators to reach remote or dispersed teams.

Measuring Effectiveness

Video analytics tools provide valuable insights into viewer engagement and retention. Measuring  effectiveness of video comms initiatives, areas for improvement, and data-driven decisions for strategies.

Some of the video content solutions we have provided our Internal Comms clients include:

  • Producing regular business updates filmed with the leadership team with a fast edit turnaround time, distributed via company wide email updates and intranet.
  • ‘Meet the team’ style videos to share more about the roles and locations of people across the business. This type of video can also extend to external partners to understand more about through story.
  • Ensuring important internal video campaigns are translated into multiple languages for an organisations global workforce.
  • Bi-monthly live-streaming events that allowed the leadership team to present not only to an in-person audience in the head office, but to ensure 1000 others in the business could tune in from other locations.
  • Helping launch new products and services with the internal team being the first to see and understand these new initiatives. This allows for a greater understanding and training before these are launched to a public audience.
  • Video podcasts have also become popular as a longer form of communication and information delivery for the wider team.

Professional video production can be a valuable asset for internal communicators to overcome challenges related to employee engagement and attention, consistency and clarity of messaging, reach and accessibility, measuring effectiveness, and keeping content fresh and relevant. By leveraging the power of video, internal communicators can enhance their communication strategies, deliver key messages more effectively, foster a transparent and informed workplace culture, and ultimately, drive employee engagement, alignment, and success within the organisation.

Let’s collaborate to elevate your internal communications strategies and make your job easier!
Why Choose us

The 5 step production process

There are many factors that go into producing great video content, and a seamless production process is key to delivering video content that achieves your goals.

But every video or video series is different, and the production process will differ from simple to complex, creative to standard and DIY to big budget. However, we base our production process on 5 areas: Strategy, Creative Development, Filming, Post Production and Distribution.


We will start with a verbal or written brief to find out the purpose and what you want to achieve, then set a plan of gathering all the information required for the project. We have custom templates available for you to easily identify and fill out all necessary information.

Creative Development

We create an idea that will bring your message to life and script out the story you want to convey, or consult and storyboard with your own scripts. Then we create a detailed plan for how we’ll shoot and order the footage in a detailed schedule.


Most of the video projects we produce include aspects of filming (unless fully animated content). This can come in the form of hiring our professional crew or for your team to DIY the content.

Post Production

Now it’s time to combine all of our media assets and creative concepts in post production. We weave the footage together with dynamic editing, music, colour grade, effects, text, graphics and animation to create a seamless product.


Once finalised, we then we export your video in your preferred format and offer guidance for you to distribute to all your platforms – whether that be social media, your intranet, LMS, interactive video platform or website video channel. We can also help you set up live premieres of pre-recorded content and give some tips on how to pre-populate social media comments.


Our internal comms clients include:


Watch a selection of Corporate Videos from our portfolio


What our clients love

Frequently Asked Questions

After working with countless internal comms professionals over the years, there are often common questions we can answer quickly based on our experience.

The timeline for producing a video can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the project, the length of the video/s, and the availability of resources. Typically, the process involves pre-production (planning and scripting), production (filming), and post-production (editing and finalisation). A rough estimate for a standard video production timeline could range from days, to a few weeks to a couple of months, but we can work with your team to establish a timeline that fits your needs and deadlines.

We understand the importance of maintaining brand consistency and integrity in video content. Our team works closely with your internal communications and branding team to ensure that all aspects of the video, including visuals, messaging, and tone, align with your company's brand guidelines and standards. We start by requesting your brand guidelines and if there aren't specific video related guidelines, we can assist in developing these. We can provide regular updates and opportunities for feedback throughout the production process to ensure that the final product meets your expectations.

There are various options for distributing and sharing video content internally, depending on your company's infrastructure and preferences. This can include hosting videos on internal platforms or intranet sites, sending video links via email newsletters or communication channels, or incorporating videos into presentations or training sessions. We can also provide guidance on optimising video formats and resolutions for different viewing devices and environments.

The level of involvement of the internal communications team in the video production process can vary depending on the preferences and resources available within the organisation. Typically, we collaborate closely with the internal communications team throughout the entire production process, from initial concept development to final delivery. This collaboration ensures that the video content effectively communicates the intended messages and aligns with the company's brand guidelines and standards. The internal communications person may be involved in tasks such as providing input on the video concept and messaging, coordinating interviews or appearances, reviewing scripts and storyboards, and providing feedback on rough cuts and final edits. Our goal is to work as partners with the internal communications team to create impactful and engaging video content that meets their objectives and resonates with their audience.

Yes, typically, upon request, the internal communications team can receive the raw footage used in the video production process. Raw footage includes unedited video clips and audio recordings captured during filming, before any editing or post-production enhancements are applied. Providing access to raw footage allows the internal communications team to repurpose content for future use, create additional video assets, or maintain an archive of media assets for internal reference. Additionally, having access to raw footage can facilitate transparency and collaboration between the video production team and the internal communications team, enabling them to work together more effectively on future projects. However, it's essential to note that the availability of raw footage may depend on the terms outlined in the video production agreement or contract.

We understand that confirming talent availability and finalising scripts can sometimes be challenging due to various factors that may affect scheduling. At Visual Culture, we do our best to accommodate our client's schedule and timelines, recognising that there may be delays in confirming these details. It's not uncommon for scripts to be finalised the day before or even the day of filming, and we're prepared to work flexibly to meet our client's needs. However, providing the video producer with as much lead time as possible allows us to plan and execute the production process more efficiently, minimising the risk of delays or last-minute changes. Ultimately, our goal is to ensure a smooth and successful production experience for our clients, regardless of the timeline constraints.


Let's talk about your video needs

Schedule a strategy call with us to discuss your video project in detail and get all your questions answered – fill out our enquiry form below. Or even if you would like to become part of our crew network or looking for a production partner, we would love to chat.

how we help

The benefits of corporate video


Gets you noticed

Video is more engaging and attention-grabbing than words and static images alone.


Gives a competitive edge

Allows you to authentically share what makes your company unique.


Helps attract and retain the right talent

 Real employees sharing their experiences on camera can boost your credibility as an employer of choice.


Improves internal communications

Video can deliver important news with heart when face-to-face delivery isn’t possible, or help convey difficult concepts in presentations.



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Video Documenter

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We make your business look good.

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