Ensure you capture your next event on Video

Organising an event or seminar can be difficult. Preparation can take several hours and if people are unable to attend you can be left feeling as though your hard work has gone unnoticed.

Filming the event or creating a seminar video is a valid solution to this that can eliminate this risk and your work can be recognised by many at any time. These video events can be edited, meaning your audience can take away the most important aspects with them, so it’s important that multiple perspectives are given.

To begin filming an event or seminar, firstly a plan is vital. Businesses should work together with professionals to think about what part of the event or seminar is most valuable and what positions or areas should be the focus including whether individual customers or crowds should be present in the footage. Opportunities for businesses to market and enhance their brands are endless particularly around a conference.

Multiple events where businesses can offer an insight into their company with their audience using video include:

• Product launches
• Conferences
• Business meetings
• Award presentations
• In-store promotions
• New discoveries
• Corporate presentations
• Bonding experiences
• Training sessions
• Guest speakers



Incorporating a combination of branded graphics, soundtracks, transitions, and photos as well as interviews of your guests at these events will make your audience feel as though they are integral to your brand, which they are. This can be shown by incorporating the customer’s perspective to achieve a clear, compelling social media video that’s ready to share across your organisation and audience. Video can also help smaller companies look larger by showcasing a large crowd at an event or by presenting the way the products are manufactured and used.

These videos which can provide a glimpse of what your customers can expect from your company, can be presented in the multiple forms such as:

• Video brochures
• Product or service action displays
• Virtual tours
• Before and after segments



Ultimately event and seminar video, whether they are created using a single camera set up or a large crew, has great potential to attract investors and customers. With help of a leading video company your event or seminar video can be displayed in trade shows, shown to groups, or streamed over the Internet from your website and can include new products, services and people.
