3 reasons e-learning videos can benefit businesses

3 reasons e-learning videos can benefit businesses

E-learning videos are one of the most effective tools in today’s business environment thanks to the new working from home reality. They were popular before the pandemic too, and their popularity continues to grow as companies find them efficient and effective. You may be wondering why the number of businesses that use them is growing so rapidly? Keep reading to find out the three reasons e-learning videos can benefit businesses.  

E-learning video training has three major benefits for businesses:

  • Convenient set up. They simplify the company’s training process because they don’t require a physical setup to be delivered.
  • Cost-effectiveness. They are a cost-friendly solution, because they can be delivered digitally and over long distances.
  • Flexibility. They are user-friendly because team members can learn from the comfort of their own home or office, at their own pace wherever they are in the world.

How e-learning videos effectively simplify business training

With face-to-face learning, managers and business owners have to take many details into account when managing and implementing training for team members. There is the venue to consider if you don’t have space internally, and then there is the negotiation with the venue owner plus finding somewhere accessible for team members. These are demanding activities to set up, especially when coordinating larger teams. 

With e-learning video training, the implementation is much more stress free! Training is delivered digitally therefore the companies don’t need to identify a physical space. In addition, digital training resources are easy to modify, integrate and keep up to date whereas hard-copy training documents become outdated rapidly. 

The simple requirements for team members is an internet connection and a computer or tablet that allows access to the training video and materials. E-learning training is set up for an easy and customised learning experience. 

Can e-learning videos be cost-effective for businesses? We believe so.

With e-learning video training, businesses don’t need to allocate money to arrange a training room, physical training materials, catering or reimbursing team members travel costs. 

Not to mention e-learning training, provides business owners and managers with one of the most valuable business assets: time! It saves team members time so they can complete the training faster and are away from their day-to-day tasks for less time. 

Top reasons why e-learning videos benefit businesses and  team members

One of the reasons e-learning videos can benefit both businesses and team members is by making an inclusive and user-friendly experience. With e-learning video training, team members don’t need to wait for a specific day to undergo the training. They can enroll and start at any moment from anywhere in the world, without physically going to a specific location. In the case of pre-recorded videos, they can also learn at their own pace and re-watch the training if something is not clear.

Traditional learning can also be challenging for those team members with special needs whereas online video training provides an inclusive learning environment where knowledge is shared in an easy-to-access format. 

At Visual Culture we have helped many companies create videos as part of their e-learning training. Working together we can create videos that educate and inform your team on your business best practices and protocols. We can also help you to produce e-learning content that can be accessed and purchased for external audiences. 

Talk with us to get an understanding of how we can help you create e-learning training with engaging and entertaining video content. 

