Benefits of recruitment videos and how to maximise their ROI

Benefits of recruitment videos and how to maximise their ROI

If you manage a team you know that human resources is perhaps the most important asset in business. And you also probably know that recruitment is a difficult and time consuming process.

Now let’s add a bit of data: according to the last Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) report the total total job vacancies were still 470,900.

In other words, if you are in Australia right now and you need to hire new employees, you are going to have a headache even if you have a good recruitment process in place.

Recruitment videos change the way you post jobs and attract candidates. They have the power to show your organisation in action and attract the right team members. And not only that you can (and should!) also use them to maximise your marketing.

Did we spike your interest? Then keep reading to find out all the benefits of recruitment videos.

Why you need to include videos in your recruitment process  

From an engagement and message retention standpoint, video is king when it comes to engaging and conveying messages to the human brain (precisely 95% more effective than any other tool available out there).

But perhaps the most fascinating discovery is that job listings with videos have a 34% greater application rate than those with only text.

This is because with video the power of your message and your job listing will be higher as you are able to convey emotions and feelings that will get viewers to take action.

So include videos in your job postings to:

1. Grab the attention of talented job candidates in the market. With videos you can be memorable within seconds in a world where the attention span is shorter than ever before.

2. Convince them to apply for your open positions. Give your future applicants a window on your company culture and motivate them to apply to your vacancy.

The benefits of recruitment videos go beyond your new employees

At Visual Culture we love (and our clients too!!) the idea of maximising your investment with videos. They are highly valuable pieces of content so you need to get the most out of them!

So after creating your recruitment video, embed it on your website’s home page and use it as your company overview video. The latest Google updates show that websites with videos are favourably ranked so get that algorithm going in your favour.

Cut snippets of the overall videos and post them on your business’s social media platforms to increase brand awareness and show your company values.

Think about your video as an overall tool to boost your company name with both new applicants and clients, not just as a one off use in recruitment.    

For more information on the benefits of recruitment videos and quotes get in touch today
