The magical world of social media has transformed the ability to share everything, all the time, no matter where you are, and my goodness it’s entertaining! We love how everyone becomes a videographer from behind his or her mobile phones, so get involved and join us in this world of immediate, continuous communication…
Instagram stories
We role in a fast paced world dashing from one filming location to the next, and it is so much fun, which is why I absolutely love the new Instagram stories. Instead of taking a moment to take the picture, select the right filter and add all the hashtags, I can send our followers live coverage of us darting around, you get to see our personalities and what it is like to be part of the Visual Culture team.
If you want to join us happy snapping imperfect shots of your daily activities here is our little guide on how you can use Insta stories to help your business…
Let’s start with a step step-by-step guide on how to actually create an Instagram story.
Instagram Stories let you engage with your customers. What we loved about Instagram is that it is a platform for people to post the absolute best images they can create. But, this new feature will help you show your business from a less polished perspective, which is a great way to identify with customers and clients. Here are some tips of how to get your Insta story told;
Competitions get people engaging:
Set up a competition or a discount code which is only valid for the 24 hours that an Instagram story lasts for; it’ll get people engaged, plus you can link it all back to your website so you’ll get lots of traffic!
Behind the scenes:
We plan to do lots of this. By showing your clients and customers your processes or how your product comes together you’ll gain trust and a loyal customer base.
Informal glimpse into your business:
We work very closely with our clients and take pride in offering a very personal service. Our clients get to know us as people and sharing little stories of us helps maintain a really good relationship with our current clientele.
This is a great way of getting more followers quickly – ultimately, you take over another companies Instagram account for a day and engage with your and their followers, it’s a great way to provide a mutually beneficial exchange of value.
Always remember: have a sharp focus and a call to action!
Facebook Live
Visual Culture’s page
What I love about Facebook Live is that you are providing your customer base with personal, helpful and immediate assistance. Not only that, but at the end of your live stream you can post the video to your timeline, permanently available to new customers or those who couldn’t make your live session.
Promote your up and coming event
Start the hype over your event by showing the preparations. You’ll get people talking about your event, booking tickets in advance, sharing it with their mates and locking that event into their diary.
Product launches
Tease your customers with your newest product before it is even launched, show them how it works with tutorials on using your product and build up the excitement!
Answer questions
If you’ve recently launched a new product, or you are changing parts of your company’s process or even just looking to keep your customers happy with great customer service, organising a live Q&A session with your customers will keep them on side.
I found myself last night transfixed on the feed from NASA…
It’s super cool, you can watch LIVE from the space station looking down on earth…it is weirdly addictive and mesmerising, check it out here:
Username: vculture10
My mission on Snapchat is to snap the crew – who hate being in front of the camera by the way – and post it immediately so you guys can see how brilliant they are at what they do. The great thing about this is that once it’s there, they can’t change it and it disappears after 24 hours anyway so they can only be mad at me momentarily. If you want to know what it is like being on set and filming videos then let’s be friends, we would love to get you to know us better and I am sure you will find us entertaining. Here are some of the best ways to engage with your client base;
Develop content
Provide tutorials for your customers; show them behind the scenes of your company, share tips and stats or address hot topics in your industry.
Start a conversation
Ask your followers and viewers to reply or respond to your snaps. Social media is not a one-way street; think of yourself as that guy who takes three hours to buy a pint of milk from the local store because he’s chatting to everyone on the way.
Use Geofilters
This golden idea is excellent for winning new business. Geofliters are small art graphics, which you can put on top of your snap designed by yourself and allocated to a specific geographical area. It means when people in your chosen area can select your Geofilter to illustrate their snap. This means they are showing their followers where, when and why they took the snap – it’s basically FREE advertising!
Click here for an easy guide to setting up your own Geofilter.
Continuous communication through social media gives your customers a ‘behind the scenes’ sneak peak of what goes on and a really positive customer experience. It is a new level of customer service, which just cannot be neglected. Stay ahead of your competitors; social media is all about connecting with people around you, be real, be creative and get involved!
It is time to join us in this world of continuous engagement, if you need a guide, then keep in touch with us and on top of our blogs…more to come!