Same video, same dialogue, same visuals, same messages – but a company video produced well can attract three different actions from the viewers.

An overview video is critical to introduce people to your business – your values, mission, services, products, people and most importantly, how does your company help others in achieving their goals.

Whether it’s your internal team, your potential new team members or your customer prospects, the one video should inspire those people to take action.

It should be front and centre on your website, showcased for internal communications, used for recruitment campaigns and various forms of sales and marketing.

It doesn’t need to say everything about your business in detail – it should be a teaser to excite the viewer to want to discover more and ultimately become an important part of your business.

Engaging, informative and memorable.

It’s a balancing act in the creative and concept development to ensure the various elements of the video resonate with different audiences.

So how can you best showcase your company within a 2-3 minute video?
